Thank you for visiting the JCESBA website and your interest in
Jefferson City’s east side. The Jefferson City East Side Business Association
offers both businesses and residents a unique opportunity to network with
others who share the best interests of Jefferson City’s east side and beyond.
JCESBA also provides members a chance to be actively involved in community and
association activities as well as keep abreast of businesses, developments and
projects in the east side of our city.
Please check out the many examples listed here on our website and on our Facebook
page of how JCESBA actively engages with
and contributes to the community (e.g., scholarships, business grants, Freedom
Corner, East McCarty Street/US 50 roundabout, beautification and cleanup
projects, Lincoln University and JCSD school support, etc.).
JCESBA welcomes businesses and individuals to join our
monthly membership meetings and any of the social and community betterment
activities throughout the year. Feel free to contact me or any JCESBA board
member with questions or learn more about how you can get involved.
Thank you!
Stephanie Lehmen